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This nine item survey is designed to test your tendency to become addicted to the 'Net. Please review each of the questions below and make a note of how many times you answer "Yes." After completing the survey, click the button below that best corresponds to your score, and you will be taken to a special report for your score.
If you scored between 0-3 yes answers on this survey--congratulations! You probably have very little tendency to become addicted to the 'Net. Please feel free to review the following special report: Common Causes Of Computer Related Stress.
You may very well be addicted to the 'Net. Please feel free to review the following special report: What To Do If You Are (Or Fear That You May Become) Addicted To The 'Net.
If you scored 4 yes answers, you may or may not have a tendency to become addicted to the 'Net. If you scored 5 or 6 yes answers, you may have a greater chance of developing a problem. Please feel free to review one or both of the following special reports:
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