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Internet Addiction cartoon

Internet Stress Survey

This nine item survey is designed to test your tendency to become addicted to the 'Net. Please review each of the questions below and make a note of how many times you answer "Yes." After completing the survey, click the button below that best corresponds to your score, and you will be taken to a special report for your score.

  1. Do you spend more time than you think you should surfing the 'Net?
    Yes No
  2. Do you feel you have a problem limiting the time you spend on the 'Net?
    Yes No
  3. Have any of your friends or family members complained about the time you spend at your computer?
    Yes No
  4. Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time?
    Yes No
  5. Has either your work output or your personal relationships suffered as a result of spending too much time on the 'Net?
    Yes No
  6. Are there particular areas of the 'Net, or types of files, you find hard to resist?
    Yes No
  7. Do you have troubling controlling your impulses to purchase items, products, or services on the 'Net?
    Yes No
  8. Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the 'Net?
    Yes No
  9. Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the 'Net?
    Yes No

How Did You Do?

If you gave 0-3 yes answers, click here

If you gave 0-3 Yes Answers

If you scored between 0-3 yes answers on this survey--congratulations! You probably have very little tendency to become addicted to the 'Net. Please feel free to review the following special report: Common Causes Of Computer Related Stress.

If you gave 7-9 yes answers, click here

If you gave 7-9 Yes Answers

You may very well be addicted to the 'Net. Please feel free to review the following special report: What To Do If You Are (Or Fear That You May Become) Addicted To The 'Net.

If you gave 4-6 Yes Answers, you may want to read both reports.

If you scored 4 yes answers, you may or may not have a tendency to become addicted to the 'Net. If you scored 5 or 6 yes answers, you may have a greater chance of developing a problem. Please feel free to review one or both of the following special reports:

  1. What To Do If You Are (Or Fear That You May Become) Addicted To The 'Net; or
  2. Common Causes Of Computer Related Stress.

Thank you for participating in this Internet survey.

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